
A culture of skills

Alla scoperta dei laboratori artigianali del Sud Italia in grado di valorizzare il patrimonio di un territorio ricco di tradizioni.​


Traditional craft work and popular art in Calabria
In popular cultures, the rapport between people and things is a very close one. Calabria, like many other southerner regions, is a land where men and things acquire a prominence of their own.  
Men and things ; men and objects, all inseparable from each other. Misplacing an object was like misplacing part of one's being.
The usage, the meaning attributed, the affection, would make of "that thing" a unique thing, and when apart from the genre to which it belonged, it maintained its uniqueness and familiarity. 
It was not such a long time ago when talking about someone often meant talking about his things, his work tool, his knife with a carved handle which with the passing of years became that more carved.

Artisans in particular often where known and identified by the name of their trade, craft, and relative objects whether created or just used.
For those who love art in its many forms, Calabria offers a wide varied heritage of handicrafts, which are deeply rooted in the Mediterranean civilization, especially in that of Ancient Greece. So much productivity was once favored by the precariousness of internal connections.

Particularly interesting are the vicissitudes connected to the weaving craft, the variety of fibers, the countless techniques in use, the thousands of designs capable of pointing to the geographic origins of a bedspread or tapestry or to the many foreign influences and cultures from where ideas were borrowed, without compromising the originality if the craft. 
A Characteristic of typical Calabrese craft is the frequent use of symbols, magical rituals and talismanic images. Basic inspiration is almost always the Magna Grecia, while the motives are existential. 


Bachicoltura e tessitura della seta.
Sericulture and silkweaving.
Textile - The oldest art in Calabria is the art of weaving, which gave masterpieces of tapestries, embroidery, silk and damask. Weaving in Calabria is indeed of very ancient origin  -  
When you harmonize the sound of Siren
to the sound of the threads and quills
it is like a fine witch who binds
lovers with one of  their fine hairs
Among those threads, oh my..
my soul it seems to fuse
It seems to fuse as it comes and goes
enchanted  by the harmony
of that sweet click and clack...click and clack
Quando accordi la voce di sirena
al suono delle fila e dei cannelli
​sembri una bella maga che incatena
​gli amanti con un fil dei suoi capelli.
Tra quelle fila, haime', l'anima mia
al par della tua spola, or viene, or va,
e vi rimane presa all'armonia 
di quel dolce tricche e tracche...tricche e tracche
Gold , silver and precious stones - Ottavio Cavalcanti in his essay Ori Antichi di Calabria (Calabria's ancient jewels) writes about the goldsmith activity of the 1600s. The oldest Calabrian inventories  are  kept in the State Archive od Cosenza and data back to 1681-88. Today , calabrian craftsmen continue to mold and model valuable  works of art, and although they experiment with new forms and models, they remain anchored to tradition.  Its worth mentioning the marvellous work of Gerardo Sacco in Crotone, Francesco Spadafora in San Giovanni, the Frisina brothers in Reggio di Calabria.

Ceramics: If we look closely at man's history we find that it has a common denominator: pottery.  Greek mythology narrates that Promoteus created Man out of clay causing the wrath of Zeus who in order to get his revenge sent Pandora the first woman who caused much evil. According to Hebrew traditionthe Creator moulded Afam out of earth.

Woodcarving: The production of everyday utensils and objects having symbolic importance, at Bova, Roccaforte del Greco, Condofuri (hamlet near Galliciano) and Roghudi, the Greeek ethno-linguistic communities along the extreme South Ionic coast, is quite outstanding. 
Here, a number of shepherds still make and sell a variety of common objects, such as , the musulupare, cheese molds, markers for making ritual signs on cakes, and spoons ...and some of the world's  finest smoking pipes. 

Musical instrument-making is a dying craft, except the workshops of lute makers De Bonsi of Bisignano (Cosenza) and Scutella' of  Delianuova  (Reggio di Calabria).

Metals - The working of iron in Calabria has been documented since the Middle Ages. In the 1200s and 1300s there were  in fact documents referring to the "Iron Factories" on the plateaus of Sila and Aspromonte. Calabrian geographer Luigi Lacquaniti , when describing the Serre talks about a "proper iron industry" in the Serre, particularly in Mongiana and Ferdinandea.



Produrre seta in Calabria, un sogno possibile

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