Crotone, Santa Severina, Roccabernarda, Le Castella, Isola di Capo Rizzuto, Capo Colonna, Crotone.
Km 100 + -
Leave Crotone (historically and artistically the most interesting town on route) to the west following for a brief stretch SS106; at the first junction turn left onto the SS107.
Passing close to Scandale and San Mauro Marchesato this leads to San Severina, perched on a flat topped rock, to the right of the Neto river.
San Severina
Head for Roccabernarda before descending into the Tacina valley, following the river (detour to Cutro) as far as the coast to Le Castella, a seaside resort with a picturesque castle on an island just off the coast.
Old monastery (San Francesco di Paola) near Roccabernarda

Tacina Valley

Cutro's mother church

Le Castella

Returning toward Crotone , make a first detour to Isola di Capo Rizzuto to reach Capo Rizzuto (lighthouse, scenic views) and a second to Cape Colonna (or Nao), easternmost point of Calabria, conserving the remains of the ancient temple of Hera Lacinia.
Isola Capo Rizzuto

The lighthouse
The remains of the temple dedicated to Hera Lacinia
...How it must have been in ancient times...
Following the coastal road along the Tyrrhenian sea (scenic views) return to Crotone from the south.
This itinerary offers the opportunity to visit the Marchesato region of Calabria and combines the fascinating scenery of the Ionian coast and the landscape inland circumscribed by the Sila .
Stopping points:
Crotone; duomo, castle, archeological finds, town museum, church of the Immacolata, church of San Giuseppe, church of Santa Chiara,; Magna Grecia festival (July-August).
Scandale; nearby, Madonna di Condolio.
San Mauro Marchesato; nearby Madonna del Soccorso.
Santa Severina; castle, metropolitan cathedral, church of Santa Filomena, church of the Addolorata.
Cutro; church of the Riformati, church of the Pieta', church of Santa Caterina, church of the Monachelle.
Le Castella; castle, lighthouse.
Not to miss : Le Cannelle beach between Capo Ciminiti and Punta Fratta.
Isola di Capo Rizzuto; ruins of castle, church of San Marco, nearby, Capo Rizzuto lighthouse,
Torre di Bugiafro.
Capo Colonna; temple of Hera Lacina & surviving column, church of the Madonna di Capo Rizzuto,
medieval tower (first week in august).
Festival of the Madonna di
Capo Colonna (third Sunday of May).

Local typical products
Sardella Calabrese

The famous Ciro' wine
Pecorino Crotonese
