Central Italy consist of 4 regions .
~ Umbria ~
Norcia - Early Spring - A showcase of the precious black truffle. Visitors sift through tables tasting local gastronomic specialties.
Festa dei Ceri - Gubbio - May 15 - The celebrations honor Bishop Ubaldo Baldassini the Protector of Gubbio. It is marked by a procession known as La Corsa dei Ceri (Race of the Saints). The procession features small statues of Saint Ubaldo, Saint George and Saint Anthony, mounted upon immense wooden pedestals each hoisted by a team of "Ceraioli" (runners) clad respectively in yellow, blue and black.
Festival dei due mondi - Spoleto - Late June , early July - Drama Festival - Music and dance.
Umbria Jazz - Perugia - July Mid July - World famous jazz artists will be performing in various settings.
Joust of the Saracen - Arezzo - first week of September. Knights and Saracens from the 13th century.

Assisi - Festa San Francesco - October 4 - In honor of Italy's patron saint.
~ Tuscany ~
Florence - Tuscany - Easter Sunday - Firework display in front of the Duomo.
Food fair - Florence - Leopolda Industrial Station - First week of march. Food samples & cooking demo.
Florence - Exhibition of Arts and Crafts - Last week of April- First of May.
San Miniato - First Sunday following Easter - Kite festival .
Lucca - Sacred Musicale Events - From April to June - Local churches. Various dates .
Musical May (Maggio musicale) - Florence - May -June - Art festival including music, drama and dance.
Calcio Storico Fiorentino - Florence - June 24 - Soccer in the 16 century. Costumes, Fireworks .
Siena - A horse race known as "The Palio di Siena" held twice each year, on July 2 and August 16, in Siena. Ten horses and riders, bareback and dressed in the appropriate colours, represent ten of the seventeen contrade, or city wards.
The Gioco del Ponte (Bridge Game ) City of Pisa - On the last week of June - An historical celebration that takes place on the Ponte di Mezzo.
Chianti - Rassegna Chianti Classico - Second week of September - Celebration of the local wine
Sagra del Tordo - Montalcino - Last week of October - Thrush celebration - Costume and archery.
Fiaccole di Natale - Abbadia San Salvatore (Siena province) , December 24 - Featuring carols and processions .

~ Marche ~
Loreto - Festa della Madonna - December 10 - Celebration of the Virgin Holy house.
~ Lazio ~
Vatican - Rome - Easter Sunday - Papal Easter address.
Genzano - Infiorata - Corpus Christ Day - Many of the streets are carpeted with flowers.
Estate Romana - Trastevere - Roma - From late June to mid September - Outdoor Movies - Music - Concerts - Ballets.
Roma - Festa dei Noiantri - Last two weeks of July - More fun in Trastevere.
Santa Rosa - Viterbo - First week of September - Commemorating the arrival of the saint's body in the Church of Santa Rosa in 1258.
Wine Festival - Castelli Romani - First week of October .
Rome - Film Festival - Dates vary - Celebrity spotting - High profile events.
San Peter - Vatican -Rome - Christmas mass . December 25. Blessing by the Pope.