

Monasterace takes its name from the Byzantine "Monasterace", referring to a monastery  near the ruins of Kaulonia, at Monasterace Marina. 

The town  can be divided into three areas: the newer residential area by the sea, the old medieval centre on the hill and old ruins of Kaulonia also on the sea.

Monasterace Superior is a small medieval village in a panoramic position and only 3 km from the Ionian coast.

It was founded by the ancient Greeks and later taken over by the Roman and Byzantine, like many other coastal villages, it certainly  suffered from Saracen raids (IX cent.), forcing the inhabitants to move to what is now known as Monasterace Superiore.

The defense needs are confirmed by the presence of fortification walls and a castle dating back to the 15th and 16th century.

..in the upper area of the town you can still admire some important architectural works.



The town is located in the province of Reggio di Calabria, about 50 km south of Catanzaro  and 90 km northeast of Reggio Calabria. 

The ruins of the ancient Greek city Caulonia
are located a short distance north of Monasterace Marina, on the coast , nearby, also on the coast is the is the Monasterace Archeological Museum, where finds from Caulonia  are exhibited. 
The settlement is of Greek origin, going back to the 7th century BC. probably what is left of the old  city prior taking refuge in the hinterland.

Of the towers, there are very few remains as in later times, the material has been used for other buildings, including the Catholic in the city of Stilo.
Tradition has it that the city was founded by Kaulon (hence the name), son of amazon Clete, at the time of the Trojan War.

The Marina is a modern seaside tourist destination, offering opportunities for beach holidays and excursions in the inland valleys and mountains.
More on  the old town center. 

Above is one of the doors  to the castle as it was many decades ago (southern side - known as the Monavecchia).
Below, as it looks today.


Monasterace is rich in traditions of religious culture, such as the  Procession dedicated to St. Andrew Avellino, the town's patron.
The faithful with the Holy run the entire town territory carrying the Saint on their shoulders.



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The History
Calabria Grecanica
​Bronzi of Riaci
Africo  | Bova  | Palizzi
Bivongi & Mongiana
Caulonia Gerace  
Monasterace  | Old Roghudi  
Pentadattilo  |   San Luca   
Stilo  |   Reggio di Calabria  


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Calabria Cultural Tour