Alessandria del Carretto

A small town with a big heart - The small mountain town is located in the heart of the Pollino National Park, in the province of Cosenza at 975 m. above sea level, the highest in the Pollino mountains.
With approx 500 inhabitants, is one of the most picturesque towns of Southern Italy. The markets and festivals are held in the piazza, the piazza is where the elders, in small circles, talk about the past and where the young meet to plain the day.
You never feel alone in the piazza. Just a handshake, a look to share a deep and respectful greeting and you become part of the circle.
Because of its isolated geographical location and the morphology of its territory, the town kept most of its ancient customs and traditions.
In winter, the bitter cold cuts through the soul.
In spring, its colors, the lingering mountain fragrances, flavors and the surrounding wilderness would make this the ideal oasis of tranquility, a place to cherish and enjoy for those seeking solace and nature.
The Alessandrini are very hospitable people, and the most obvious example of their hospitality occurs mainly during the feast of the "Pita" also known as "La Festa dell' Abete" (The Fir Tree Festival) which takes place on the last Sunday of April in the location known as La Spinazzeta, high in the mountains, on the border with Basilicata.
The fest in honor of the patron saint (Santo Alessandro) is held on may 3rd, was born as a typical male celebration, in recent decades, the role of women in the celebration has changed, paralleling the changes in society.
The scenography of the festival is also composed by local musicians and their typical instruments, filling the area with the lively sounds of bagpipes, accordions and drums that blend with the protagonists of the "tire" (poles used for the transport of the tree).
The top of the tree, unlike the log, is not dragged, but gently transported on the shoulders of other devotees who will care for it until the start of the festivity.
By sunset the parade reaches the Difisella locality where they rest and refresh themselves, to resume the path towards Piazza SanVincenzo where the tree will lay until May 2.
It is certainly a celebration to experience in order to deeply understand the ritual that has continued for centuries and culminates with the feast of St. Alexander of May 3.
The rite renews and restores the cultural identity of the community and a sense of belonging to the land.
Everything that is done during these few days, every tune played, every tasted delicacy, everything that is said, are a direct expression of the agro-pastoral culture of the people of Alessandria, though at risk of extinction, it re-emerges proudly showing itself to the participants year after year.
(Note : If approved the event will be on the list of Unesco Heritage Sites.)
At Alessandria, the Madonna del Carmine festival belongs to the women. The event takes place the 3rd week of August.
The local women dedicates part of the year thinking about how to adorn their "crowns" in honor of the Madonna of Carmine. They will be carrying the Virgin Mary and the whole village behind.
In six hours they will be visiting every house in Alessandria.
Someone offers refreshments to the tired women, others make generous offerings to the Virgin Mary and recite prayers, others follow the procession from the balcony of their house.
The choral performance of the crowns is beautiful, women compete to wear one crown so the "owners" can rest and dance the tarantella more relaxed.
In the evening the procession reaches the church, last spark of joy, then the Virgin Mary is undressed and the crowns put away until next year. Women are betting that there will be many more, and Alessandria goes back to its calm.
Below : Le quattro volte (The four times or The four lives - from man, to goat, to tree, to smoke) by Michelangelo Frammartino filmed in and around Alessandria.
This film offers audiences world wide the opportunity to see a vision of a remote corner of our continent, which is Calabria, vivified by the scent of a time long gone.
Constructed as more of a visual poem than any piece of formal genre, a time warp to a completely different era. The film is an ineffably beautiful meditation on the mysterious cycles of life.
It traces the path of one goat-herder's soul, as it passes from human to animal to vegetable to mineral, it is an interpretation of Pythagoras (who taught and settled in Calabria in the 6th century BC) concept of four successive lives that each of us holds: mineral, vegetable, animal and human. All connected in a cycle of life and -death to symbolize re-incarnation.
Comune di Alessandria del Carretto WWW |
Alessandria del Carretto è un comune nelle provincia di Cosenza.
Fa parte del Parco nazionale del Pollino, del quale è il comune più alto, essendo situato a 1.000 metri s.l.m.
Gli alessandrini anno dopo anno con forte entusiasmo vivono, rivivono e fanno conoscere la festa della “Pita” a sempre più curiosi e visitatori.
La Festa si svolge durante l'ultima domenica di aprile durante il quale, un grosso viene tagliato nelle montagne del Massiccio del Pollino e trascinato a braccia fino al paese.
Negli ultimi decenni il ruolo delle donne nella festa è mutato, parallelamente a quanto è avvenuto in società.
La pianta oggetto di festeggiamento viene donata, per gentil concessione, dal Comune di Terranova del Pollino (PZ) al Comune di Alessandria del Carretto in onore del Santo Alessandro Papa e Martire.
Le donne che vi partecipano non solo sentono vivamente la festa della “pita”, ma aiutano gli uomini a trasportarlo fino in paese, lungo un sentiero a volte molto scivoloso e tortuoso.
La scenografia della festa è composta anche dagli allegri suonatori di zampogna, organetto e tamburello che si fondono con i protagonisti delle “tire” (pertiche usate per il trasporto della pianta).
La Pita arriva in loc. Difisella dove col tramonto “i partecipanti” si ristorano insieme a tutti gi amici e parenti, tra le prelibatezze tipiche della cucina alessandrina, per poi riprendere il cammino verso piazza San Vincenzo dove riposerà fino al 2 maggio.
E’senz’altro una festa da conoscere, da vivere per capire profondamente il rito che si protrae da secoli e che culmina nella festa di Sant’Alessandro del 3 maggio.
Ad Alessandria, il festival Madonna del Carmine che si svolge la terza settimana di Agosto, appartiene alle donne.
Qui , ad occasione della festa un gruppo di donne, dedica parte dell’anno pensando a come meglio adornare le , cosi chiamate , cinte.
Si tratta di vere opere d’arte devozionale che pur seguendo specifiche regole riguardo la costruzione (più che altro regole territoriali) lasciano libero sfogo alla creatività, che deve comunque essere misurata per non risultare troppo invadente e... pesante: le cinte infatti vengono fatte sfilare durante una processione danzante di sei ore, portandole sul capo.

Gli eventi continuano con il festivale culturale che vede un mix di suoni e tradizioni.
Come arrivarci:
In auto - SS106, uscire a Trebisacce, proseguire fino a trovare lo svincolo per Albidona/Alessandria del Carretto. Arrivo dopo circa 31 km.
Altrimenti, svincolo tra Marina Roseto Capo Spulico e Marina di Amendolara per Oriolo; superato Oriolo svincolo per Farneta/Alessandria del Carretto. Arrivo dopo 40 km.
E90, uscita Trebisacce Sud, proseguire per Trebisacce fino a svincolo Albidona/Alessandria del Carretto.
A3/E45, uscita Frascineto/Castrovillari, proseguire per Taranto fino a Trebisacce, quindi svincolo Albidona/Alessandria del Carretto. Arrivo dopo circa 66 km

De Seta (Palermo- Sicily 15 October 1923 – Sellia Marina-Calabria - 28 November 2011) was a cinema director and screenwriter, considered one of the Italian cinema's great imaginative.
Below, a suggestive documentary of Alessandria filmed decades ago by Vittorio De Seta.
His early documentaries focus on the everyday life of many of Sicily's poorest workers, and are notable for their lack of voice-over narration, quiet mood, and striking color.
In 2005 the rediscovery of Vittorio De Seta's work was a highlight of Tribeca Film Festival and Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, where was presented Détour De Seta, a documentary on the Italian director.
Sottostante un suggestivo documentario magistralmente filmato da Vittorio De Seta negli anni 50-60. Vittorio De Seta (Palermo, 15 ottobre 1923 – Sellia Marina, 28 novembre 2011) è stato un regista e sceneggiatore italiano. I documentari che realizza negli anni 1950, ambientati prevalentemente in Sicilia e Sardegna, descrivono con potente espressività i modi di vivere del proletariato meridionale degli anni 60.
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